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Miami's Choice for Criminal Defense 305-400-0074

Tens of millions of tourists visit Miami each year to the city’s beaches, attractions, and nightlife. However, it is not uncommon for tourists to find themselves in trouble with local law enforcement and subsequently face criminal charges in a state they are only visiting. 

When an out-of-state visitor is arrested for a DUI in Florida, there are several major obstacles they must overcome. Not only will they face legal ramifications in the Sunshine State, but they will also be subject to several penalties when they return home. 

Florida is part of two interstate agreements: The Driver License Compact (DLC) and the Non-Resident Violators Compact (NRVC). These agreements created a system in which each state shares information related to traffic offenses and ensures the driver serves penalties – such as driver’s license suspension – for their actions outside of their home state. 

However, the biggest hurdle tourists face is attending all their court appearances in Florida criminal court. In most cases, it is unlikely visitors can afford traveling back and forth from Florida to their home state after each court date.  

If you or a loved one recently visited Miami and was charged with a DUI, one of the most important steps to take is to hire a local criminal defense attorney to handle the case. At the Law Office of Armando J. Hernandez, our Miami DUI defense lawyer can protect your rights and freedom on your behalf. 

The following are several reasons why you must hire a Florida criminal defense lawyer to defend you against a DUI charge: 

  • Understanding of local and state laws – Hiring a lawyer in your home state will not do you any good. In order to practice law in Florida, you need to be licensed to do so. Not only does Attorney Hernandez have over 19 years of criminal defense experience under his belt, but he is a former prosecutor who understands how the other side will approach your case to provide you with an effective and personalized defense plan. 

  • You do not need to appear at every court date – A local attorney can appear on your behalf at every scheduled court hearing. However, if you were charged with a felony offense, then you may be required to attend your court dates. 

Contact us today at (305) 400-0074 for a free consultation. Get award-winning and experienced legal representation in Miami immediately! 

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